

(GOARCH.org)星期六, 4月20日, 2024, 尊敬的美国大主教埃尔皮多弗罗斯 ordained Bishop Anthony of Synada at the Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. Axios! 陛下的家人, 的教主的住处, 当地的神职人员, and many Greek Orthodox faithful gathered for this special ordination.

Hierarchs in attendance include 大主教德米特里 former of America, 旧金山的格拉西莫斯大都会, 北塞尔维亚东正教会的伊里奈主教, 中南美洲, 纳齐安索斯的雅典娜哥拉主教, 斐洛密略主教狄奥芬, 以及迪奥克莱亚的奈克塔里奥斯主教.  Also attending the ceremony was Bishop Anba Suriel of the Coptic Orthodox Church, a colleague in the field of religious education of Bishop Vrame’s.

出席会议的还有加州副州长, Eleni Kounalakis, 弗莱姆主教的堂兄, 以及德米特里奥斯·卡托斯, 网赌送彩金平台大全院长.

埃尔皮多弗罗斯大主教说, 愿你的主教职位充满这样的优雅, so that the ancient glory of Synada and all your predecessors shines through all your ministries. And may your words and actions breathe life into the faithful you serve, 使他们认识永生之神. Amen.全文 here.

他的恩典 addressed the faithful in attendance thanking His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, 尊敬的美国大主教埃尔皮多弗罗斯, 大主教Iakovos, 大主教德米特里, 神圣的主教会议, 还有他的家人.  He spoke with emotion about his journey and his thoughts about his ministry.  全文 here.

“A phrase I learned many years ago in my doctoral studies has stayed with me as a guide:  ‘Loyal but open.’ I have labored to hand forward our Faith and Way of Life as it has been received, trying to be clear about the treasure we have inherited while differentiating what my personal thinking may be, and to be open to the ideas and experiences of others” 他的恩典 remarked.


他的恩典, 辛纳达主教, Anton Chris vame (Avramopoulos)出生于芝加哥, 伊利诺斯州, 他是已故的乔治和玛丽亚·弗莱姆的儿子. 他在圣. Nicholas Church in Oak Lawn, serving in the altar and active with the parish GOYA. He attended DePaul University, graduating with a BA in Psychology in 1981. 从那里,他进入了芝加哥大学, 1983年他在那里获得了国际关系硕士学位. 一年, he worked as a substitute teacher in the Chicago Public 学校, 包括教一个学期的八年级. In 1986, he matriculated to 圣十字希腊东正教神学院, 布鲁克林, MA, 学M.Div.,并于1989年获得最高荣誉. 学生时期和毕业后, he worked in the Archdiocese Department of Religious Education, 成为其副主任. 在那些年里, 1989-1993, he was active in the creation of the new religious education textbook series for parish use. 1992年,他获得博士学位.D. program in Religion and Education at Boston College, earning the degree in 1997. 他的论文, The Educating Icon: Teaching Wisdom and Holiness in the Orthodox Way, 最终由圣十字东正教出版社出版, 成为宗教教育领域的标准. 从1996年到2002年, 他是圣十字东正教出版社的总编辑, 他在哪里重新调整了出版计划, 创造了它最活跃的时期之一. During this time he was Adjunct Assistant Professor at 圣十字希腊东正教神学院. From 1999-2002, he was also Lecturer in Religious Education at St. 弗拉基米尔的东正教神学院.

In 2002, he became the Director of the Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute at the Graduate Theological Union, 加州大学伯克利分校, 加州. 总监, he oversaw the creation of the MA program in Orthodox Studies, 发展积极的社区教育计划, 并监督东正教联谊会. During that time, he was Associate Professor of Orthodox Studies at the Graduate Theological Union. In 2007, he became the Director of the Department of Religious Education of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, where for the next fourteen years he developed many new resources for parish programs. In 2021, he returned as Director of 圣十字 Orthodox Press, revitalizing its mission. 自2007年以来, he is Adjunct Associate Professor of Religious Education at 圣十字希腊东正教神学院.

Active as a scholar, in addition to The Educating Icon, Fr. Vrame has edited other books and published many articles and chapters in books on Orthodox Christian religious education and the history of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. He has lectured in over 150 parishes of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America as well as other jurisdictions and universities. 他当过总统, 副总统, and Treasurer of the Orthodox Theological Society in America; an active member, 董事会成员, and Treasurer of the Religious Education Association: An Association of Professors and Researchers in Religious Education. He has worked to create the Orthodox Christian Religious Education Association, 这个学科的国际学者团体. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the International Orthodox Theological Association, and continues to serve as Co-Chair of its Study Group on Orthodox Education. He represented the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese to the Faith and Order Commission of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States from 2005 to 2019, including five years as Chair of the Commission (2008-2013), which placed him on the Executive Committee of the Governing Board. He currently represents the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese to the NCC’s Convening Table on Christian Education and Faith Formation and Leadership 发展. He also serves on the Board of Trustees of Friendship Press, NCC的出版部门, after a term on its Bible Translation and Utilization Committee. He was recently appointed as a Consultant to the Committee on Church and Society of the Assembly of Canonical Bishops in the United States.

In 2016, 他被任命为主教和牧师, 鉴于2019年的Archimandrite排名, 并于2022年成为普世王座的大主教. He served the parish of the Nativity-Assumption of the Theotokos in Cohasset, 麻萨诸塞州, 从2019年起直到他当选主教为止. He was elected as Bishop of Synadon by the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople on March 22, 2024. He will serve as an Assistant Bishop to Archbishop Elpidophoros of America.